As an author, I subscribe to many publications and newsletters that pertain to the Civil War in order to conduct research for my books. I came across one article which I thought was distressing. It seems the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee offered a theology workshop to its clergy titled “Confronting Confederate Monuments: Preaching, Liturgy, and Leadership for Change.” I have to wonder just what was taught in this workshop, especially with a title like “confronting Confederate monuments.” Really? Since when is a Confederate monument confrontational? Anyway, the article went on to say that the workshop was for three days and two nights, and was designed to equip clergy with tools for confronting Confederate monuments in their churches and communities. The cost was only $150!
I find this appalling, to say the least. What are they teaching our kids, not to mention our pastors? Bizarre! Let me set the record straight – monuments are not racist, they do not represent or depict racism, and anyone who believes otherwise is, in my opinion, a racist. Monuments were erected all over the country after the war to honor heroes, and those who defended their homelands with their lives. It is written in our Constitution that any state has the right to secede, so Confederates were not traitors by any means, but patriots in their own right. I hate to say it, but I’m just waiting for the next wave of destruction to sweep across the nation in the form of monument desecration. I really hope that doesn’t happen.