New Take On An Old Song

New Take On An Old Song

I think it’s fascinating to find out backstories of old folk songs. Here’s one example. I used to sing this song when I first learned how to play the guitar, but never knew what it was really about. Come to find out, the story is quite sad. The song, Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley, goes back to the Civil War.

Tom Dooley was in the 42 North Carolina Infantry. He was convicted and accused of murdering his girl friend after the civil war was over. He was a good musician in his unit. His friend let him be with his x girl friend in that area because he respected him this story is kind of crazy. I am filming the project called “Laura” based on his girl friend that was murdered either by him or her cousin who was jealous of him for being with her. I wen there last year with two of my friends we walked about half a mile to his cemetery and visited his other relatives near by. The photo of him on his find a grave is not of him but a reenactor posed in 1960’s. The music video was filmed by somebody else. We are filming a teaser for the feature film.


Col. Thomas Charles Land (1828-1912),
who wrote the Ballad of Tom Dula (“Tom Dooley”) in 1868.
His brother Rev. Linville Land built Tom Dula’s coffin. Their second cousin, Col. James Martin Isbell, found the body of Laura Foster, Sept. 1, 1866, tracked her killer and captured Tom Dula.


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