Guest Post by David Tylor

Guest Post by David Tylor

How to Keep Gutters Free of Nesting Birds

Birds are among the most amazing creatures in the animal kingdom in many ways. For starters, birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs and have existed since the Jurassic period. Most birds are well-designed for flight, with hollow bones and aerodynamic structures, and they are also the only animals covered in feathers. Birds are diverse and well-adapted creatures that come in all sizes, shapes, and colours and can be extremely intelligent. Their songs and calls can also be quite impressive!

Birds Don’t Belong in Your Gutters!

But if you’re a bird lover or observer, there’s one place you don’t want to see birds build nests: inside your gutters! Why? Because a bird’s nest can clog your gutter, and a clogged gutter can cause serious damage to your home’s roof and other infrastructure.

How? All of the moisture that accumulates on your roof has to go somewhere. Mounted gutters and downspouts do an excellent job of directing water away from your home’s foundation. That is to say, gutters work well when they can flow freely; a clog caused by a bird’s nest, on the other hand, can easily throw a wrench into the entire system.

A bird’s nest can significantly reduce the flow of water in your gutter. Add some accumulated leaves or other debris, and you could end up with a complete blockage! In this case, water can quickly overflow the gutters and cause serious damage to your windows, siding, and foundation. Water can back up onto your roof, causing damage to the roof’s support structure.

Some Tips for Keeping Your Gutters Clear of Birds Nest 

So, yes, birds are wonderful and incredible! But, at the same time, you can’t have them nesting in your gutters. So, what are you going to do about it? Is it possible to address the problem of gutter-nesting birds in a safe and humane manner? There are, indeed!

Here are a few tips you can try:

Install a predator decoy.

Many bird species can be deterred by using visual scares. Because their eyes are trained to recognise predator birds, a well-placed decoy can cause birds to flee in a hurry. A static decoy, on the other hand, will not fool the birds indefinitely, so you will need to change its position and move it around from time to time to keep the birds from catching on. However, you should be aware that some homeowners associations prohibit the use of bird decoys.

Set up some rubber snakes.

Don’t like the look of a large, plastic hawk, owl, or other bird of prey standing guard on your roof? Another lower-profile option is available, and it is not prohibited by most HOAs. We’re talking about rubber snakes, of course. They’re relatively inexpensive to purchase, and you might even find an extra rubber snake or two in your children’s toy box. While not all birds are afraid of snakes, they are wary of snakes near their nests because snakes pose a threat to their unborn chicks. You’ll probably want to put more than one around your gutter area, and you’ll need to figure out how to attach them so they don’t fall off and they won’t blow or wash away.

Make use of a bird repellent.

Bird repellent exists in the same way that mosquito repellent does. No, seriously. It is available in spray, gel, and granule forms, and can be applied wherever you want to keep birds away. Bird repellents are typically odor-based, making birds uncomfortable enough that they will not nest in the immediate vicinity. Because bird repellent can become quite thick and unpleasant to the touch, you should apply it with gloves. You may have to reapply several times during the bird breeding and nesting season.

Make use of a high-pitched noise deterrent.

Don’t want to mess with any liquids or chemicals? You could also use a bird deterrent that makes noise. Some systems attempt to mimic audible predator sounds, while others may include high frequency sounds that humans cannot hear. With either approach, you’ll need to be able to strategically mount the speakers close to your gutters, with enough speaker coverage to cover the entire gutter system.

Release the Bird Scare Attack Spider

This may sound like a joke, but it’s actually a novel approach to bird repellent. Many birds are afraid of larger spider species because they prey on small birds and their eggs. Are you ready to launch your own Attack Spider? This large animatronic spider can detect both sound and movement. When a bird triggers the detector, the spider descends its mounting line and scares the bird away. To make it work, you’ll simply need to find a way to elevate your Attack Spider above the gutter surface. You’ll almost certainly need to install more than one around the perimeter of your gutters.

Physically capture and relocate the bird (s)

If you can’t frighten them, trap them. Trapping birds is not always easy, but it is another somewhat humane approach you can try. It will, however, take some time and effort on your part. After you’ve set and baited the trap, you’ll need to check it on a regular basis. Once you’ve caught a bird (IF you can catch it), you’ll need to transport it somewhere else for a safe release, and then you’ll just have to hope it doesn’t find its way back to your house. To be honest, this is probably not the best solution for you.

Make and install your own steel mesh gutter covers.

If you are unable to repel the birds, you can create your own physical barrier to keep them out of your gutters. DIYers have been known to cut steel mesh (also known as hardware cloth) to size and then wrap it around their gutters. Birds, leaves, and other debris can be kept out of your gutters with these homemade gutter guards. However, they do not have the same lustre as professional-grade Gutter Guards, they’re not nearly as effective, and debris can still accumulate and clog on top of the mesh.

Get gutter guards professionally installed.

If you want a long-term, low-maintenance solution to your bird problem, having gutter guards professionally installed is your best bet. True gutter guards not only keep birds and rodents out of your gutters, but they also keep out leaves, twigs, and other debris while still allowing water to flow freely. And here’s another great advantage: you’ll never have to clean your gutters by hand again!


We hope you find these tips useful as you work to protect your gutters from nesting birds! And if you’re looking for the best gutter & gutter guard solutions in North Carolina and Virginia, Skywalker Windows & Siding has you covered. They manufacture and install custom seamless gutters, as well as the best gutter guard products from leading manufacturers. Give them a call or click today and let their friendly staff show you the Skywalker difference!

About the Author:

David composes for points like Home Improvement, Kitchen stylistic layout, Garden or travel-related themes furthermore; he has an enthusiasm for the metal structure industry for over ten years, Kylo has become an accomplished structure expert in this industry.He will probably assist individuals with his huge information to help them with his best recommendations about various Home Decors, for example, Doors Replacements, Siding, Windows Replacement, siding replacement and business structures.

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