The reviews are starting to come in for my new novel, Fool's Gold Folly. This is a side story to go with the Renegade Series. It tells the story of a minor character, Patrick Mulligan, and what happens when he decides to take his family to Breckenridge, Colorado in search of gold. Thank you so much for your kind review, Mr. Arthur Thares!

If you’re not a fan of J.D.R. Hawkins’ writing, you should be because you’re missing out. In a genre that is largely cookie-cutter, Hawkins stands out with both sharp writing and impeccable historical knowledge. Her newest story, Fools Gold Folly, is a stand-alone piece that catches you up with some popular characters from her other books. While it is a departure from her usual style, there is so much to love about this book, and it is the perfect companion piece to her other works. If you’re still not convinced, here are a few more reasons you should pick up your own copy of Fool’s Gold Folly.
For those familiar with J.D.R. Hawkins’ work, you’ll be delighted to catch up with a beloved character. Those unfamiliar will be equally delighted to find out why Hawkins fans adore Patrick the Irishman. The story unfolds as Patrick and his wife, Briana, leave Pennsylvania for Colorado in search of riches. A significant portion of the story is their travels to Colorado and the struggles they face on the way. Even when they reach Colorado, things don’t go as they plan. A chance encounter with a man named Silas and the news that two more fan favorites, David and Anna, will be joining them in Colorado soon starts to turn their luck around. Despite a lurking evil, the Mulligans know that this is precisely where they are meant to be in the moment, leading to a brisk but lively story.
J.D.R. Hawkins has a way of turning what could be a mundane romance novel into an exciting period piece that always leaves you wanting more. Although this book is a slight departure from her traditional fare, it is an excellent companion piece to her other books. It is fantastic to catch up with some of the outlying characters and give them more attention and life. Though this book doesn’t have a strong third act climax, there is turmoil throughout. The ending does seem to come on a little abruptly, but it also feels like this isn’t the last we will be seeing of these characters.
If you are already a J.D.R. Hawkins fan, then you should buy this book right now. If you are a future fan, read the other books in the Renegade series quickly, so you can work your way to this one. Even as a standalone story, this is a solid book, and not knowing the Renegade series past doesn’t automatically disqualify you from understanding what is happening in Fool’s Gold Folly. Books like this aren’t released every day, and it's rarer when a series like this is released, so find Fool’s Gold Folly and the rest of the Renegade series as soon as possible.