I recently received this five-star review from another super fan! This one is for my novel, Double-Edged Sword, which is the fourth book in the Renegade Series. Thank you so much, Greg Seeley, for your awesome review!
In Double-Edged Sword, J.D.R. Hawkins continues the love story of David Summers and his bride Anna (A Rebel Among Us) as the Civil War ends and the awkward period of Reconstruction begins. The story takes the couple back to David’s home state of Alabama where the harsh terms of Reconstruction come to odds with the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, catching between them the youthful couple and David’s family who wish nothing more than to simply go on with their lives. The conditions depicted in Double-Edged Sword are not pretty but are vividly brought to life in this well-researched, well-written novel. Every page leaves the reader wanting more and the following pages certainly deliver. When the couple leave the world of scalawags and carpetbaggers and travel north to Anna’s home state of Pennsylvania, they encounter a whole new set of problems that threaten to throw an already shaky marriage onto the rocks. The bitterness of war continues as Northerners obsess over the near-breakup of the Republic and those whom they hold responsible. For any true fan of historical fiction and, particularly this divisive period in American history, Double -Edged Sword is not to be missed. Read it now. You’ll be glad you did and it will leave you clamoring for David and Anna’s next adventure. I give a solid five stars.