My novel, A Beautiful Glittering Lie, has received another review on Goodreads. This book is the first one in the Renegade Series, which tells the story of a family from north Alabama, and how the Civil War impacts their lives. Thank you so much, Sophie Narey, for your flattering review!
Sophie Narey (Bookreview- aholic)
This is not the usual type of book that I read but the blurb was the thing that completely drew me into it. This is the first book in the series, set in the Civil War, we follow Hiram Summers as he is thrown into the combat, his family who have to stay behind struggle without him there but know he had to enlist and fight for the cause. Hiram and his son uncover the meaning of the war and soon realize that the choices they have made have torn the family they love apart.
It is brilliantly written, it has lots of action, secrets and drama to keep hold of your attention and keep you reading on. The book is only 199 pages which for me is the perfect length of book in this genre, it is quick to read for the fact it flows so well throughout the book. It definitely makes me want to read on the rest of the series.