J.D.R. Hawkins

One bullet can make a man a hero… or a casualty.

Archive for the tag “gun control”

This is the Dawning of the Age of Hysteria


It isn’t surprising that, following the terrible tragedy in Orlando last weekend, political activists are all over it, screaming about how gun control is the solution. One New York City newspaper give the murderer a free pass while it blamed law-abiding gun owners for the attack. Obama and Hilary Clinton refuse to discuss radical Islamic terrorism, and are instead shifting the focus to “gun control” and “hate crimes.”


Mass hysteria rules supreme. It’s funny how these incidents happen just at the right time, allowing the perfect opportunity for politically correct representatives to fulfill their agendas and do away with our rights and history. Any restrictions on gun control will directly influence our 2nd Amendment rights. If one restriction is placed, what will stop the PC police from placing more and more until no guns are allowed anywhere? This happened in many countries in the past, and it didn’t lead to anything good. In fact, increasing gun sales in America over recent years have led to lower crime rates. Countries with high rates of civilian firearms ownership are the safest, whereas countries with low rates of civilian firearms ownership are the most violent. This is statistically proven, and yet, our country is leaning toward restricting and denying gun ownership.


If our politicians were truly concerned about our safety, they would do away with “gun free zones.” The nightclub in Orlando was a gun free zone, where no one was allowed inside with a firearm, so no one had a chance to defend themselves. In recent years, violence in gun free zones has escalated. So it doesn’t matter if guns are restricted or banned, because those who want to kill innocent people will find a way to obtain them. Gun restrictions only affect law-abiding citizens by preventing us from having the ability to defend ourselves, and this leaves us wide open for a take over.


In my opinion, what happened last weekend ties into the shooting that took place last year in South Carolina, when that crazy loon went into a black church and killed innocent people. Instead of blaming the shooter, the PC and Governor Haley blamed the Confederate battle flag, of all things. It’s strange how they can lay blame on guns, flags, hate, or racism, but not attack the real issue, which is our changing society. Why is our country changing so that these mass murders are more common? It is time to face facts. Taking away our rights and privileges which our forefathers fought and died for isn’t going to change the times. Things like this rarely happened back in the Wild West or any other time in our history. So what has changed? And why are we allowing this enemy to penetrate our society? I only hope we don’t wait to fight until it’s too late.


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